Advantages for both the facility and pharmacy, including:
- Access from anywhere you have an internet connection
- Directly ties into the pharmacy’s fulfillment software so that what the pharmacy see’s what the e–Prescribe practitioner see’s
- No more double entry, once entered on the practitioner’s device and sent, the order gets populated directly into the pharmacy fulfillment software. This alleviates the potential for transcription errors
- Practitioner can see all aliments, allergies and any other information stored in pharmacy fulfillment software
- Quick and easy use for Doctors and Nurses
- Can do more than prescriptions. You can also send orders for non-prescription items as long as it is in the pharmacy fulfillment software
- Tracks PRN’s and Nurse Emergency Box medications
- Direct link to LU Codes if available, saving time for the pharmacy not having to confirm order directions with the Doctors
- All prescriptions are now legible – Pharmacist’s and techs no longer need to decipher Doctors handwriting
- Auto storing of database for regulations
- Rx is emailed and / or faxed to the pharmacy and facility
- All info is live and up to date, synchronized with the pharmacy’s fulfillment software application
- Very secure with VPN or network security and proper security protocols
- Every Doctor may create a list of their top 20 medication favorites with a pull down list.
- Residents are pre populated through fulfillment software
- Practitioner can see each resident’s active medications
- Application will work from a desktop, laptop or tablet
- Doctors can write Rx’s straight from their office. They do not have to be onsite.